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Meet the Team Spotlight: Elizabeth Allen

Welcome to part four of our monthly ‘Meet the Team Spotlight’ series where we proudly highlight the outstanding individuals who make everything possible each day.

This month, we’re honouring Elizabeth Allen, a cherished member of the SupaLite team! Witness her remarkable journey from joining us as an Office Administrator, to becoming a core part of our Customer Service Department.

What Is Your Job Title and Job Role?

My job title is Customer Service Administrator. In practice this means that I handle the bulk of customer service issues that crop up. I also take on additional responsibilities, processing extras orders and monitoring marketing stock.

I like to think of I’m a bit of a problem solver. When people come to me it’s usually because they have an issue that needs sorting, and I take it upon myself to get it done. It can be chaotic at times, but I love the feeling of accomplishment when everything is resolved.

How Long Have You Been Working at SupaLite?

I’ve been with SupaLite since September 2023, so around 9 months. It often feels like I’ve been here much longer! I think that is testament to how comfortable I feel being at SupaLite.

What Do You Appreciate Most About Working at SupaLite?

I think the staff are what make SupaLite. My role within customer service means that I have to interact with just about every department within the company at different stages, and it’s a great joy of mine that no matter who I’m having to engage with, they are always friendly and willing to help.

The collaborative and high-spirited atmosphere honestly makes my job so much easier than it otherwise would be.

What Are Some Challenges You’ve Faced in Your Role, and How Have You Overcome Them?

There truly isn’t any perfect way to plan for the kinds of issues that pop up in customer service. This creates a challenge in and of itself, as you have to be adaptable, willing to learn and proactive.

I came into the role not knowing anything about the SupaLite system, the processes we have, or even roofing in general. Overcoming that knowledge barrier has been instrumental in succeeding in my role, and while I still feel like I have much more to learn, I can also acknowledge and appreciate the awareness I now demonstrate in my work.

My willingness to take on new challenges at SupaLite is a big reason why my job role has gone from being an Office Administrator tasked with helping out other departments with smaller jobs – to taking on the bulk of customer service, monitoring marketing stock and more.

Can You Share a Success Story You’re Proud of?

When taking over the responsibility of handling customer service, there was a backlog of cases which, for one reason or another, had not been properly recorded at the time. One of my first big tasks in the role was bringing this back under control, facilitating accurate record keeping, effective cost reduction and adherence to procedure.

Not only was the backlog cleared, but now the system runs much better than before. Customer service cases are recorded thoroughly, followed up on in a timely manner, and when costs are involved, these are noted in detail so that they can be monitored.

Additionally, the system allows for regular reviews by managerial staff. This means that lessons can be learned, and costs brought down. This benefits both the company and the customers we serve.

Can You Describe a Memorable Moment or Experience You’ve Had While Working At SupaLite?

There was a bowling event for all the staff in just my second week on the job. Besides being a ton of fun and a great way to quickly get to know the people here, I also managed to leave a strong impression on everyone…

…at least they won’t let me forget it!

Describe Working at SupaLite in 3 Words

Varied. Collaborative. Driven

Share a Fun Fact About Yourself

I am a book reviewer in my spare time. I’ve written almost 100 reviews for various genres including science fiction, fantasy, literary fiction and horror.

I’ve worked with researchers at the University of Oxford to roll out a mentoring program to help LGBTQ+ youth navigate challenges in their lives.

I also own a Morin Khuur – a very unique instrument from Mongolia! It is somewhere between being a violin and cello, with a distinct cultural sound.

Celebrating Our Supa Team

We hope you’re enjoying our ‘Meet the Team Spotlight’ series as much as we are!

Thank you, Elizabeth, for your unwavering dedication and exceptional contributions to SupaLite. Your hard work and enthusiasm are an inspiration to everyone. We’re so proud to have you as part of our team.

We’re privileged to have such an outstanding team of individuals who help to shape the future of SupaLite every day.

Stay tuned for more ‘Meet the Team Spotlight’ blogs. We’re introducing the incredible individuals who make everything possible behind the scenes!




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